Saturday 6 August 2011

In memoriam: Bernard Walker

I didn't know Bernard too well, lots of hello's over the years and some long street side conversations. He was omnipresent on Mill Road, like some kind of spirit watching over the people.  One time I found him in Raj's (Mace shop proprietor) photocopying cassette covers.  We traded tapes. Later on he would leave me cassettes in envelopes delivered via Raj.  Another time he held the door open for me and said 'I am the man I have become, but I can't find the bugger'.  I quit work shortly afterwards.  Thanks for the wake up call Bernard.  The street and the world won't be the same without you.  To all of life's creatures great and small.  To walking streets. To humming.  To gesticulations. To nonsensicalness.  To guitars.  To opening doors.  To Mill Road's sage.  To Bernard Walker.

There is a memorial service at St. Barnabas church on Mill Road, this Thursday 11th August at 11AM.

1 comment:

  1. "I have no idea of content."

    I have no idea of what that sums up, but it sums it up.
